86Fest Ireland 2018

Heres some onboard from 86Fest at Mondello on the 31st of October. I would have liked to include some photos here aswell, but I took next to none due to it being such a hectic, but massively enjoyable day.

I didn't drive all that well being honest. I ran out of time to double check the cars alignment in the lead up to the event like I usually would, this may have something to do with some of the undesired handling characteristics, or maybe I just need to drive better. This was probably the best session for me, up until this point I was struggling to get any consistency due to niggling issues, traffic, red flags etc. Overall though a great day, driving with so many other ae86 on track is incredible, and whenever the car makes it home in (mostly) one piece it's a good day.

The car will be put away now for a while. I'd like to make some upgrades to the little 16v to try squeeze a little more performance out of it, so stay tuned.

Hat tip to Engineous for the opening photo.
